Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Emrie's New Trick

Last night Emrie decided that it would be fun to bite the spoon every time I put it in her mouth.  Take a bite of food and take a bite of the spoon.  She'd make a big show of chomping her food and then she'd chomp the spoon.  She looked like Popeye with her spoon wobbling in her mouth like a cigar.  And while she was cute as a bug doing her new trick, I had a battle every time I tried to take the spoon out and get food in!

On a totally different note...I took Emrie to the doctor yesterday because she has had diarrhea for two weeks straight.  According to Dr. Ransom, she has Toddler's Diarrhea and the best thing to do is load her up on lots of fatty foods!  He also said cut back on the fruits and veggies.  So last night Emrie had a little KFC original recipe fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy while I choked down grilled fish and brussel sprouts!

This morning Emrie went to Big School with a note that said "No fruits, fruit juice or veggies."  Weird huh?  Man...why can't I get Toddler's Diarrhea

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