Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A new morning ritual?

Every morning Brian and I get up around 5:45 to get ready for work.  Emrie is typically up by 6 and then Aiden at 6:30.  In the past, Aiden would put cartoons on the living room as he scrambled around getting his stuff together for school but neither he nor Emrie ever really watched them...until this morning.  I handed Emrie her morning milk as usual.  She grabbed it and her baby, climbed up on the couch, pulled the covers over her feet  and proceded to watch Mickey Mouse.  Now, granted this only lasted about 5 minutes but was 5 extra minutes I had to get dressed.  And, it was just cute that I had to take a picture.

I know...I know...it's a bad habit to start so early but I'm not really worried.  My little Emrie is very much the outdoors type.  She loves playing outside every chance she gets so 5 minutes with Mickey in the morning isn't really going to hurt.  Is it?!

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