Monday, July 30, 2012

My poor sick baby

Emrie had another bad night.  She was up around 2am and cried for an hour straight.  She was simply inconsolable.  I hate that feeling - I couldn't do anything to help her.  After an hour, she finally gave in and fell asleep on my chest.  Anytime I moved just the slightest bit she'd start crying again so I spent the night in a somewhat upright position on the couch and Emrie slept.  It was worth it.  She was up again around 5:30am and her fever was up too.  It finally broke around 7am so I went to work and my mom stayed with Emrie. 

Mom called me a little before noon because Emrie's fever was back up.  Mom said she had been crying for almost an hour. So, I ended up taking off the rest of the day.  I spoke with the doctor who said it would take anywhere from 48-72 hrs for the antibiotics to kick so we just have to wait.  He did call in some eardrops for the pain.  They seem to be helping but she's still not back to herself.  I love Emrie but she's not a lovey dovey baby...unless she's sick.  All she wants to do is be held 24/7.  I hate that she's sick but I will definitely take the hugs. 

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