Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's official. I'm a lemon.

I've developed de Quervain tendonitis. It causes a sharp pain at the base of the thumb (and wrist) and it most often affects new mothers. And, it's another post-partum ailment nobody bothers to tell you about.

For the last couple of weeks I've been noticing it getting steadily worse until this morning it was so bad I couldn't pick up Emrie! Now, after using it for a little while this morning and taking some Advil, it's loosened up a little.

I wasn't exactly sure what was going on but I figured it had something to do with having a baby because I never had this kind of pain before. So, I did what I always do...I GOOGLED it! I searched for wrist pain from holding a baby and there it was. de Quervain tendonitis. Apparently, lots of new mommies get it. The bad news - not much can be done to treat it. Wear a brace, take more Advil, try not to use it. Really? Now how am I going to accomplish that last part? The website also recommends a cortizone shot if the pain gets severe.

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