Monday, November 14, 2011

God told me to write this blog

I'm not kidding you. I can feel God's gentle push to write this one. This morning while I was getting ready for work I was halfway watching Fox and Friends. The host was interviewing former Indianapolis Colts Coach, Tony Dungy. He has a new book called The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge. It has 365 daily reflections that encourage you to focus on the Lord and on your life. Dungy discussed how easy it is to have faith and say that God is taking care of you when everything is going well. It's when something negative happens that people tend to either push away from God or draw closer to God. And his new book, hopefully, will help people draw closer. I like it. And how true true. When we were struggling to get pregnant I turned to God and prayed, prayed, prayed. And you know how that story ends - God blessed us with Emrie. Now that I have her and things are soooo good, I have to remind myself that she is a gift from God and that the praying should never stop. So that was this morning.

Then today at lunch during the Big Lunch Rush, I took a call from a man named Tim who wanted to hear a song for wife and daughter called "I'm Going to Love You Through It" by Martina McBride. If you haven't heard the song - Google it! It's an amazing song about breast cancer and love. So Tim said last year, he and his wife found out they were going to have a baby but they also found out his wife had cancerous cells on her pancreas. He was told he was going to lose his wife and baby. I can't even imagine what that feeling must be like. BUT by God's grace his wife and little girl survived! Today his daughter is 9mths old and both she and his wife are healthy! Wow! What a powerful message. So that was lunch.

How can you possibly hear that story and not believe in miracles?

And just now in my car, I started listening to a new book on CD, one my mom passed along to me. It's called Heaven is Real. It's a true story about a little boy who experienced Heaven and came back to tell about it. I'm just in the first few chapters but already it has touched my heart. I'll keep you posted on this one.

So that's it. God wanted me to share those things with you. I hope they move you and inspire you and encourage you. God is so good.

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