Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Yes, I realize the whole idea behind a blog is to actually blog.  One of my new year's resolutions is to be better about keeping up with this thing. 

So, where did I leave off?  Christmas?  Has it been that long?  Apparently it has. 

We spent the weekend before Christmas with Brian's parents and then on Christmas Eve we went to Brenham.  We feasted on BBQ pork ribs and steak, baked potatoes, beans and cranberry sauce.  Yes, cranberry sauce.  It was the only item somewhat traditional about out meal which was DELICIOUS!

Emrie had entirely too much fun and too much to eat because she passed out at the table with her fork in her hand.  She ended up having to take a little nap before we opened presents.  Aiden was in prime form and on excellent behavior since Santa is always watching...right up until we opened presents. 

On my side of the family, we draw names.  Let's face it.  If we really need something, we've already bought it so we have simplified the gift giving.  Only the kiddos get a present from everyone.  As luck would have it, Brian got my name.  And, since he and I had decided not to exchange presents this year because of our new year's trip to Colorado, I made out like a bandit.  He gave me a pair of diamond hoop earrings.  They're beautiful.  Nice job, hubby!  I think Emrie's favorite present was the baby doll and stroller.  At home, she always put her dolls in her stroller and pushed them around the house.  This present was more her size.  The only problem is that for some reason she tries to climb inside the itty bitty stroller herself.  Go figure.  Aiden's favorite was a bear that you shoot balls into its mouth and it keeps count for you.  It's pretty cool except that he and his dad have decided its more fun shoot the balls at ME!  Thanks Uncle Brandon. 

Christmas day our little family of four celebrated bright and early by pulling out lots of candy from our stockings.  Santa had also left Aiden and Emrie each one present...

Aiden got a set of electronic drums.  Lucky for us, Uncle Brandon had also given him a new set of headphones the night before - perfect to plug into the drums. 

Emrie got what she calls her house.  It's a mini-play climber with slide.  She loves it!  Unfortunately, it's in the middle of what used to be my dining room area. 

All in all, Christmas 2012 was absolutely WONDERFUL.

Pictures to follow. Hang tight!

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