Thursday, August 2, 2012

My baby is sick AGAIN!

Poor Emrie is back home!  That's right...she was feeling better and went to Big School this morning but now she is sick and back home again! 

I swear she was in a great mood this morning.  She seemed to be feeling better.  She was happy and playing and totally beautiful!  So, Brian took her to Big School.  Then around 10am Big School called and said she was sick and we need to come get her and fast!  She was throwing up and her temperature dropped to 95.  My stupid cell doesn't always work so by the time I got word Brian had already picked her up and was at the doctors office.  Dr. Lawrence was able to see her quickly.  He said she must have some kind of stomach bug on top of everything else.  By the time they left the doctors office, her temperature was back to normal and she wasn't throwing up anymore.  Brian took off the rest of the day to stay home with her and I'm planning to leave early too.  My poor sweet baby!  We have got to get her back to a healthy baby and soon! 

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