Emrie loves Minnie Mouse so when I saw this chair I knew it would be just right! When we got home, I unloaded Emrie and Brian unloaded the chair. I took her to her room and got her changed and then Brian called her into the living room for her surprise. She saw her new chair and immediately ran to it bounced on the seat. Then for the next 30 minutes she ran around the couch, through the kitchen and back to her chair. It was like it was home base. She even grabbed her Minnie Mouse doll and sat in her Minnie Mouse chair. Awww...
Then that little toot realized she could use her new chair as a spring board to the love seat! Here's what happened. She'd stand on her new chair and use the back of it as a ladder to climb onto the love seat...then she'd fall trying to climb back down. So she got her first little pop on her hiney last night. Everytime she stood up on her chair a little pop. And before all you anti-spankers out there get all bent out of shape - it didn't hurt, it just startled her. She'd drop her bottom lip and pout for a couple of seconds and then try it again! After about the 5th time, she finally figured it out and decided it was better just to sit in her chair. We'll see how long that lasts.
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