That's how I spent my Monday...ALL DAY MONDAY...doing my civic duty. I was dismissed but it took all day to make that determination. I actually knew one of the witnesses so I'm pretty sure that's what disqualified me. Too bad. I think it was going to be an interesting criminal case. I figured if I was going to be there, I might as well be a juror and see it all the way through. I was talking to Brian about it this morning - that's okay to do because I'm not a juror. Anyway, we believe (this is just our guess) that the case actually involves a guy Brian works with who was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident! Isn't that crazy?! What are the odds? Now, I've got to google it to see if we're right.

On to a different subject...EMRIE! I know most of you only read this thing for the baby updates : ) Well, Emrie was in a great mood this morning. Lately, she's been waking up early and playing with her stuffed animals in her baby bed until we come in to get her. What a good baby. I snapped a couple of pictures before Brian took her to Big School. I have no idea what she was telling him in the one picture but it looks pretty serious.
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