We spent the weekend with Brian's parents in Houston. On the way down, I noticed that Emrie (who is still riding in a rear facing car seat) had her little legs prompted up on the backseat. She's just getting so long that she barely fits that way anymore. So, I told Brian I was going to make trip to Burlington Coat Factory to see if I could find a front facing car seat for her. If you've never shopped at Burlington, you're missing out. I always find great deals there - especially on baby stuff. And I struck gold again this weekend. I got a Graco car seat identical to the one my friends paid $159 for only $79!
Emrie has just recently started making the silliest faces. She likes to tuck in her upper lip and make the pouty face. She also likes to suck in her little cheeks and do the fish lips. And, her newest thing is to hang her little tongue out.

I was trying to get a good picture of Grandma Chris and Emrie together but every single time I tried to take a picture Emrie had one of her goofy faces on! I don't know why I'm surprised. I have more pictures of Brian and I together with his eyes crossed than with him looking normal. He used to do it so often that I'm pretty sure people would see pictures of us together and be like "Bless her heart. She's marrying that cross-eyed guy."
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