I know you can't tell from the pictures but sweet little Emrie has not been feeling well. It started late Saturday night/early Sunday morning. She was up about every two hours crying. I just figured she'd had a little too much party and was over tired or she's teething. Well, then Sunday night/Monday morning was the exact same - up every two hours. Yesterday she started running some fever. It got up to about 102 so I called the doctor. We have an appointment at 9:30 this morning. She had some Advil around 3pm and seemed to be in a pretty good mood when I got home but last night was a repeat of the two nights before - up every two hours like clockwork. She was pretty snotty and was coughing a lot. Her fever kicked back in around 3am so I gave her more Advil and a warm bottle and that seemed to help. She hasn't been up since 5am. In fact, she's still sleeping right now.

I really hope its not an ear infection but I'm kind of thinking that's what it may be. She's been pulling on her left ear quite a bit the last couple of days. Now she's always pulled on her ears...when she's hungry...when she's tired...but this time it seems different. It really seems to be bothering her. Hopefully, Dr. Lawrence will be able to figure out what's wrong and make it better and FAST!
On the lighter side, Emrie has so many toys but what does she choose to play with? That's right this little round storage container. She's figured out that it's just the right size to sit inside and still manage to squeeze some toys in too. Last night she spent about 30 minutes trying to get the lid on her head!!!
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