I made it back to College Station mid-afternoon and I was exhausted but not too tired to pick up Emrie from daycare. The look on her face when I knocked on the door was so sweet. And, I got the best hugs the rest of the day. My poor little baby. As happy as she was to see me I could tell she wasn't feeling well. Brian said she had been coughing a lot and was really snotty. Well, Friday night she was running a fever so Saturday morning we made a trip to see Dr. Ransom. Good thing he was on call. Emrie loves him.
Turns out Emrie has an ear infection. Saturday was a pretty rough day - her fever got up to 102. And last night she didn't really sleep at all. I think the meds have finally kicked in because she just dosed off and seems to be sleeping peacefully. I sure hope she catches a good nap. She's exhausted and so am I.
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