Remember the picture I posted of myself over the weekend looking all rested and happy? Uh huh...well, I am so tired this morning I was too scared to post a picture. The dark circles and bags under my eyes are HUGE!
For the last three nights Emrie has been getting up at least once a night. And by getting up I mean she's fully awake and crying. I think her teeth are bothering her so I've been using orajel and advil to help ease the pain but she's so hard to console at 2am. I've been able to get her back to sleep within an hour usually after a nice warm bottle but by then Brian and I are both wide awake. And, it seems like by the time we manage to fall back to sleep it's time to get up again.
A while back I bought some eye cream that has caffeine in it which is supposed to help with the dark circles and bags. This morning as I was applying it I was thinking I'd probably have better luck if I just rubbed a little Red Bull or Mountain Dew under my eyes.
This picture is from last night. I was looking through my new James Avery catalog. Mootz was looking too. She found some earrings she really liked. Just before Brian snapped this picture she was really studying the catalog but the minute he pulled out the camera she put on her biggest smile. What a little ham. And despite what her shirt says she was not Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy.
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