Emrie threw up a few times on Sunday. We weren't sure if she was sick or if it was the result of the microphone cover she ate. That's right ATE IT RIGHT OFF THE MICROPHONE. She was at the station with me and decided the foam cover on the microphone would make a tasty treat. I got it away from her but not before she had gotten a couple good chomps out of it. So, we thought maybe that's what was making her throw up. It wasn't until Monday night when Brian started throwing up that we were sure she had a virus. Then last night when I started throwing up we were REALLY sure it was a virus.
Emrie is back to her old self. Brian went to work and I'm feeling better too...and a little thinner so hopefully this ugly bug has worked its way through our household.
The lesson I've learned...IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO THOROUGHLY CHEW YOUR FOOD (or microphone cover).
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