Pretty gross looking, huh? Scared the poop out me! I woke up this morning and my eyes were really swollen and had huge bags under them (see picture). I'm not really sure what happened but my best guess is....
1) I put on a bunch of sunblock before my Team of Navasota remote broadcast yesterday. I knew I was going to be in the sun on bright white pavement for several hours and I'm a "delicate flower" so I lathered up with some 50 block to be on the safe side. I put it everywhere but under my eyes.
2) When I got home from my remote I showered, changed and drove to Brenham. I'm pretty sure I washed a bunch of waterproof sunblock right into my eyes. Immediately after I started to notice little welts under my eyes.
3) I woke up this morning with a double shot of ugly where my eyes should have been.
So, my best guess taking into consideration 1, 2, and 3 from above...first of all I got sunburned because I didn't put any sunblock around my eyes and then I had an allergic reaction to the sunblock when I tried to wash it off and managed to get it in my EYES! They look gross and they really hurt. Next time I think I'll just opt for a hat and sunglasses.