Brian and I have recently started watching the TV show
The Walking Dead. It's in its second season and we still can't figure out where the zombies came from...maybe in season three. Anyhoo, it's Monday night and I'm waiting for our other favorite show
Sons of Anarchy to come on. I just stumbled across a show on the History Channel called Zombie Apocalypse. This show is actually telling you what to do should zombies attack. Right now it's discussing what weapons are best suited to properly kill a zombie. In case you're wondering, a snow shovel is one of the number one rated tools. I'm afraid we in Texas are going to be out of luck. The good news is that guns are a handy second - plenty of those in Texas. Oh, and always aim for the brain.
I gotta be honest; I never gave much thought to it. You know zombies are just something someone with a morbid imagination made up to scare the poop out of you. Well, not according to this show. It's tying biological warfare to the creation of zombie-like people much like the movie I Am Legend. Now that is scary.
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