Emrie has really started to like playing in her baby gym which has all kinds of fun stuff hanging over her head. She kicks and chirps and smiles. So, I decided it was time to find a fun mobile to hang over her baby bed. Now keep in mind at this time she's still sleeping in her pack-n-play in our room at night but I think I'm finally feeling comfortable with a move to her own room. With that said, I've decided she's going to need something cool to kick and smile and chirp at while she's in her new big girl baby bed. I stumbled across this butterfly orb online. Isn't it cool? It's got almost 100 butterflies on it. Initially, my friend Amy and I thought we could make one of these things ourselves - NOT. First of all, my butterfly cutter kept eating the glitter paper I wanted to use. Then, we couldn't get the wire to hold the orb shape. And finally, the paper was too heavy for the wire. It was a noble effort but I ended up placing an order for Emrie's custom butterfly orb this morning. It's really neat - I got to pick the size, color and number of butterflies. I can't wait to see it!
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