Yesterday Emrie and I were watching Ghost Hunters, our favorite Wednesday evening show, when the National Weather Service interupted with a Severe Thunder Storm Warning headed our way complete with 60mph winds. Well, Emrie and I had our doubts and we typically went for a walk about this time of day anyway so we figured why not? So we decided to saddle up, take our walk and temp fate and rain.
We were about halfway down the walking trail behind our house when the winds started to blow and blow hard. Leaves were flying and so was the stroller. I kid you not - the wind was pushing the stroller so hard I had to hold on tight for fear of it being pulled right out of my hands. Needless to say, we decided to head back home and quickly. And just as we were walking into our driveway the rain came! It was amazing! Emrie and I stood (well, I stood...she sat) in the garage for what seemed like a long time just watching it pour down.
She's such a cutie!!! We should plan to get together soon. Maybe when it cools off a little we can have dinner on the patio at On the Border!