I've had a lot of people have asked me how Judy and Emma (our other dog) are handling having a new baby in the house. Emma - you don't here much about her because she's a 13-year-old lab and extremely mellow compared to Judy - just kind of sniffed at Emrie and walked away. She's very aware that something is going on but she's just too lazy to be bothered. Judy on the other hand is having a hard time adjusting to not being "top dog" in the house right now. Don't freak out - she's not snippy or cranky with Emrie - she's just concerned that she can't sleep on the bed and has to spend more time outside than normal. She's actually surprisingly sweet around Emrie. She sleeps at the foot of her bed and when Emrie cries so does Judy. She's also the only one who gets up with me and is steady at my side during those 3am feedings : )
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