After church I was still tired but feeling much better. We had a quick lunch and then it was back up to church for a Vacation Bible School Meeting and then off to the radio station for a few hours. Aiden went with me everywhere without a single complaint. So, as his reward, we spent a couple of hours at the pool that evening. We played games and splashed around for a while before he decided he wanted to practice floating on his back. So we practiced. He floated and I pushed him around the pool. Next it was my turn!!! Aiden was insistent that I give it a try. FYI - floating on your back without part of you sinking at 7+ months pregnant is not easy but I tried and with some help from Aiden I made it all the way across the pool.
The pool is shallow on both ends and deeper in the middle. In the picture above Aiden could barely touch the bottom but he kept on going. All you can see is my tummy sticking out of the water and his little goggles peaking over the top of it. He just makes me smile!
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