Starting Wednesday of last week I had been having the worst acid reflux ever. It seemed like no matter what I ate or didn't eat it was always there. By Friday, I was pretty miserable and put in a call to Dr Appelton. Her nurse recommended the standard Tums/Rolaid/Mylanta/Zantac etc. I made my list with the intention of heading to the drug store on my way home BUT that didn't happen. By 5pm I was throwing up and ended up going home a little early. Luckily my wonderful husband made the drug store run for me so I was set or so I thought. Over the course of the rest of the evening and all night I got steadily worse. I was throwing up a lot and having the worst pains in my stomach. It hurt to lay down, sit up or stand up - I just couldn't get comfortable. I thought maybe I was having contractions...never had them before so I had no idea.
I held off til about 10am Saturday morning and then I just couldnt take it anymore. I was sick and honestly kind of scared. Brian had gone to work leaving me and Aiden at home. So, not only did I have to figure out how I was going to get to the doctor I wasnt sure what I was going to do with Aiden. As luck would have it, our great friend Rowdy Cooper was at the radio station and volunteered to keep an eye on Aiden for me while I ran up to the hospital. That's right - hospital. My doctor said I could go to urgent care but she'd prefer I go to Labor and Delivery so they could monitor the baby just in case. So...I did.
After a couple of hours it was determined that I had a nasty virus, low grade fever and was dyhydrated. The great news is that all was well with the baby. I ended up getting an IV and then heading home. When I got home I found Rowdy Cooper sound asleep on the couch and Aiden watching a movie. As it turns out Rowdy had been throwing up too - one of the downfalls of all using the same microphones at the radio station. YUCK!!!
I spent the rest of Saturday and all day Sunday on the couch. I'm feeling much, much better now.
As a side note: I got in trouble with Brian, my mom and my mother-in-law for not telling anybody I was going to the hospital until it was over. Sorry! I promise I'll call them on my way to have her : )