Thursday, April 28, 2011
I have the sweetest husband EVER
Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. We both went to work this morning around 6:30am - lots to do. And then I got hung up at work til almost 6:30pm. It was a long day and I spent about half of it on my feet. Needless to say my tooties were fluffy. By the time I got home I was exhausted and did I mention fluffy? Oh I was still willing to go out to dinner BUT I was moving very slow.
Luckily my wonderful, considerate, and caring husband had mercy on me and my fluffiness. He offered to go pick up dinner instead of insisting we go out. THANK YOU!!! So, as I type this blog he's on his way to Madden's to grab dinner with a pit stop at Luby's for fruit salad. What can I say? What baby wants baby gets.
The first song we danced to as husband and wife was You Save Me by Kenny Chesney. I love our song. Brian picked it out and its so appropriate. I truly think God brought us together to save each other every day. Thank you God! And thank you Brian for being the sweetest husband ever. I guess I'll keep you around another 4 years.
4 Years Ago Today
Four years ago today Brian and I took the big plunge and became husband and wife. It was a great day! We got married in a little historical church in downtown Chappell Hill, Texas with about 100 of our closest friends and family in attendance.
I remember walking down the aisle and seeing Brian standing there waiting...he honestly looked he was going to pass out or make a run for it. Luckily, he did neither and made it all the way through the ceremony. Then we headed to the Brenham Country Club for a classic Brenham beer and bbq reception. We left the reception at about 10pm with the Best Man, Robert, and his fiance, Katherine. It had been a long day - a great one but a long one none the less so I was totally ready to go home and go to bed. However, Robert managed to talk us into going to the Texas Hall of Fame to see Zona Jones. That's right we went to the Hall after our wedding! The looks we got were priceless as we came strolling in in our wedding attire. I figured what the heck, when was I ever going to have the chance to wear this dress again : )
Here's the even funnier part. Yesterday morning Brian sent me a text message that said "May I take you to dinner tomorrow night." Keep in mind this was about 6am so I was kind of surprised to get a dinner invite so early. That's why I responded "Why? What's gotten into you?" Well, before he could answer I called my mom as I do every morning. As we were chatting about the approaching royal wedding this Friday Mom asked me when our anniversary was...and I was like what anniversary. THAT'S WHEN IT HIT ME!!! Brian was asking to take me out to dinner for our ANNIVERSARY! I totally forgot.
It must be the baby. She's sucking out all of brain juice.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
They're Here!!!!

and his little brother