Yesterday Brian and Emrie WASHED MY CAR! It was the sweetest thing ever. I was
having kind of a bad day - at this point in my pregnancy it's hit or miss. So,
while I was crashed on the couch, Brian and Emrie took it upon themselves to do
a good deed for "Mommy." I'm pretty sure this stems from the fact the Brian
could not identify the strange odor coming from my car on the way to church that
morning. The culprit...a sippy cup filled with spoiled milk tucked under the
backseat! Anyway, I got some much needed rest AND a clean car. It really is
the simple things : )
Monday, April 8, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
Update from Easter Weekend

Emrie had a wonderful Easter - complete with 3 (count 'em) 3 Easter egg hunts. Now every time we mention the word eggs, even if it is just in regards to breakfast, she immediately starts hunting for goodies.
Thursday was her Easter party as Big School. She was so sweet. When her little boyfriend, Cooper, started crying she took him an egg and gave him a hug. I thought it was precious...Brian did not.
Saturday we went to Deanville and celebrated Easter with my family. The kids had a blast. Not only did they get to hunt Easter Eggs but they got to ride 4-wheelers and the Treckor. Aiden and the big kids rode the 4-wheelers all day and Emrie (thanks to my dad) thought she needed to drive the Treckor. He let her sit behind the wheel - she steered and he worked the pedals. One time was all it took and she was hooked. She spent the rest of the day sitting behind the wheel and trying to get Pap-paw (or anyone who walked by) to ride with her.
Sunday we went to the early church service and to Brian's sister's house for Easter with his family. The Easter feast was my favorite, HOTDOGS!!! I ate 3...and a half...and I didn't even throw up! After lunch Emrie, Aiden and Hill Sister's took off on an Easter egg hunt. More eggs = more candy = very happy (and hyper) kiddos. I can't lie. I snuck a few pieces.
Next year, I'm proposing an adult Easter egg hunt and we let the big kids hide them. Whoo Hoo!

Thursday, March 28, 2013
Ready for the Big Hunt
This is Emrie's Easter egg hunting smile!
Today at "Big School" they're having an Easter egg hunt for all the little ones. Emrie was so excited about the party. All morning she kept saying "I ready to party! I ready to party!" Wonder where she gets that from?
To ensure her success, she and I did a mock run through this morning with some Easter eggs in the living room. Not to bad. I tried to teach her a 3-point stance that I used back in my football days but she didn't really seem to grasp my methods for being first off the line. Brian and I are both planning to be there for the excitement this afternoon. If all goes well, I should have a video for you tomorrow. I'll be the pregnant woman snatching eggs from the kids : )
Today at "Big School" they're having an Easter egg hunt for all the little ones. Emrie was so excited about the party. All morning she kept saying "I ready to party! I ready to party!" Wonder where she gets that from?
To ensure her success, she and I did a mock run through this morning with some Easter eggs in the living room. Not to bad. I tried to teach her a 3-point stance that I used back in my football days but she didn't really seem to grasp my methods for being first off the line. Brian and I are both planning to be there for the excitement this afternoon. If all goes well, I should have a video for you tomorrow. I'll be the pregnant woman snatching eggs from the kids : )
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
That's's a BOY! I know it's hard to tell from the picture but the doctors swear its a boy.

Brian and I went to Temple yesterday for a super-duper ultrasound. We had to do this last time with Emrie too because of my "advanced maternal age." SHEESH! Anyway, everything went well. Three doctors confirmed that our little man is healthy and growing strong. In fact, they moved up my due date by 10 days which makes it August 20 (very close to my birthday). When I told my dad about the due date he said "Look out! That's another Leo in the family. That little boy is NEVER going to listen...just like his momma." I don't know what he's talking about.
Brian and I went to Temple yesterday for a super-duper ultrasound. We had to do this last time with Emrie too because of my "advanced maternal age." SHEESH! Anyway, everything went well. Three doctors confirmed that our little man is healthy and growing strong. In fact, they moved up my due date by 10 days which makes it August 20 (very close to my birthday). When I told my dad about the due date he said "Look out! That's another Leo in the family. That little boy is NEVER going to listen...just like his momma." I don't know what he's talking about.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Panic No Picnic
Have you
ever had an anxiety or panic attack? Not fun, right?! In fact, downright scary.
Well, right after I had Emrie I had a couple anxiety attacks. I actually felt like I was dying. They would sneak up on me in the middle of the night. Poor Brian didn't know what was going on. I was pacing the house like a crazy person, turning on lights, trying to catch my breath and calm myself down. The first one only lasted about 15 minutes but that was 15 minutes too long. I called my doctor first thing the next morning and luckily she had mercy on me. I wasn't crazy about taking meds while I was nursing but she assured me they would help. And they did. After a couple of days my hormones stabilized and I was able to stop taking them.
Move forward a year and half...I'm in bed Saturday night. It's 2am and all of a sudden I wake up in sheer panic. I have no idea why but I knew exactly what was going on - ANXIETY ATTACK! I turned on the lights and woke Brian and asked him to sit with me. He was great. He held my hand and prayed with me, read some scripture about being at peace and trusting God and basically just tried his best to calm me down. I was a basket case. I kept telling myself it was all in my head. I wasn't having a heart attack. Everything was okay. I was okay. I even tried walking outside and getting some fresh air. Nothing worked. Finally, after almost two hours of this I started to calm down. THANK YOU, GOD for answering my prayers. I firmly believe in crying out to Jesus in time of crisis and cry I did.
I was finally able to catch a couple hours of restless sleep and when I woke up I wasn't in total panic mode but I didn't feel like myself either. I decided to go to church. Brian stayed home with the kids because Emrie was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake her. On my way to church I called the nurse hotline who put me in touch with the on-call doctor. He told me that I couldn't take any of the anti-anxiety meds I had taken before and I would have to wait to speak with my OB/GYN. WEll, that put me in total panic mode. I went to Sunday School a sobbing mess. Thank you, God for the wonderfully understanding friends in our group. The lifted me up with prayer and consoled me. I made it to church but was having a hard time sitting through the service. I just kept thinking about having another attack which I was afraid was actually going to trigger another one. It really is a vicious cycle. God was watching. One of my friends in the choir noticed I was having a hard time, came out of the choir loft and sat with me. She was great.
I went home and tried my best to distract myself by cleaning house and playing with Emrie but I always felt like I was on the edge of an attack. My sister-in-law gave me some breathing techniques which got me through another sleepless night but it was a long one. I made it to work on Monday but barely. Thank you God for good friends and co-workers. Two of my closest friends in the office recognized that I was out of sorts and immediately came to my rescue. They continued to call my doctor until they got a nurse on the line. I spoke with the nurse and then with the doctor who once again took care of me. She immediately prescribed some meds and assured me that that they were safe for me and the baby since I'm in my second trimester. Thank you, God for the miracle of modern medicine.
I filled my prescriptions, took the pills and went to my sister-in-laws to take a nap. I was comforted to know that the meds would help but not feeling good enough to be by myself. Thank you, God for understanding relatives like Kimberly who let me crash at her house for a couple of hours. Monday night was a better night and Tuesday a little better still. Today it is Wednesday and although I don't feel 100%, I do feel way better.
I know this seems like a very personal thing to share but I'm hoping that there are other people out there who may benefit from it. It is not in my nature to be weak or needy. I have always been a do it myself kind of person and I pride myself in being able to swing two jobs, a baby, a house and so much more - so coming to terms with this has been difficult for me. I want people to know that IT'S OKAY. It's okay to ask for help. It's okay to let others share some of your burden. It's okay. And, when it seems like no one else understands...God does. He will never give us more than we can handle. AMEN.
Well, right after I had Emrie I had a couple anxiety attacks. I actually felt like I was dying. They would sneak up on me in the middle of the night. Poor Brian didn't know what was going on. I was pacing the house like a crazy person, turning on lights, trying to catch my breath and calm myself down. The first one only lasted about 15 minutes but that was 15 minutes too long. I called my doctor first thing the next morning and luckily she had mercy on me. I wasn't crazy about taking meds while I was nursing but she assured me they would help. And they did. After a couple of days my hormones stabilized and I was able to stop taking them.
Move forward a year and half...I'm in bed Saturday night. It's 2am and all of a sudden I wake up in sheer panic. I have no idea why but I knew exactly what was going on - ANXIETY ATTACK! I turned on the lights and woke Brian and asked him to sit with me. He was great. He held my hand and prayed with me, read some scripture about being at peace and trusting God and basically just tried his best to calm me down. I was a basket case. I kept telling myself it was all in my head. I wasn't having a heart attack. Everything was okay. I was okay. I even tried walking outside and getting some fresh air. Nothing worked. Finally, after almost two hours of this I started to calm down. THANK YOU, GOD for answering my prayers. I firmly believe in crying out to Jesus in time of crisis and cry I did.
I was finally able to catch a couple hours of restless sleep and when I woke up I wasn't in total panic mode but I didn't feel like myself either. I decided to go to church. Brian stayed home with the kids because Emrie was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake her. On my way to church I called the nurse hotline who put me in touch with the on-call doctor. He told me that I couldn't take any of the anti-anxiety meds I had taken before and I would have to wait to speak with my OB/GYN. WEll, that put me in total panic mode. I went to Sunday School a sobbing mess. Thank you, God for the wonderfully understanding friends in our group. The lifted me up with prayer and consoled me. I made it to church but was having a hard time sitting through the service. I just kept thinking about having another attack which I was afraid was actually going to trigger another one. It really is a vicious cycle. God was watching. One of my friends in the choir noticed I was having a hard time, came out of the choir loft and sat with me. She was great.
I went home and tried my best to distract myself by cleaning house and playing with Emrie but I always felt like I was on the edge of an attack. My sister-in-law gave me some breathing techniques which got me through another sleepless night but it was a long one. I made it to work on Monday but barely. Thank you God for good friends and co-workers. Two of my closest friends in the office recognized that I was out of sorts and immediately came to my rescue. They continued to call my doctor until they got a nurse on the line. I spoke with the nurse and then with the doctor who once again took care of me. She immediately prescribed some meds and assured me that that they were safe for me and the baby since I'm in my second trimester. Thank you, God for the miracle of modern medicine.
I filled my prescriptions, took the pills and went to my sister-in-laws to take a nap. I was comforted to know that the meds would help but not feeling good enough to be by myself. Thank you, God for understanding relatives like Kimberly who let me crash at her house for a couple of hours. Monday night was a better night and Tuesday a little better still. Today it is Wednesday and although I don't feel 100%, I do feel way better.
I know this seems like a very personal thing to share but I'm hoping that there are other people out there who may benefit from it. It is not in my nature to be weak or needy. I have always been a do it myself kind of person and I pride myself in being able to swing two jobs, a baby, a house and so much more - so coming to terms with this has been difficult for me. I want people to know that IT'S OKAY. It's okay to ask for help. It's okay to let others share some of your burden. It's okay. And, when it seems like no one else understands...God does. He will never give us more than we can handle. AMEN.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Little Miss Sunshine
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Great Friends...Great Wedding!
David and Bri (the bride and groom) had a wonderful ceremony. I work with Dave. He's a big softy so we had bets as to whether or not he would cry. My money was on yes so I had to sit extra close to see if I could spot any tears. I could not. I lost the bet.
The reception was at the Fort Worth Stockyards. It was a totally awesome place to have a wedding reception...unless you're wearing 4" heels. What? They matched the dress! I had no idea I would be subjected to cobble stone walkways. And, I truly did not anticipate the floor in the reception area to be cobble stone too. Anyway, after almost falling several times, Brian broke down and bought me a pair of flip flops from one of the nearby stores. This is the Stockyards so nothing is cheap - especially not Justin flip flops. So, $35 later Brian begrudgingly walked back in with my new flip flops.
They didn't look as cool with my dress but they worked.
We had a blast dancing and eating. They had a popcorn bar with several different types of popcorn to snack on. What a great idea! And the actual dinner had MAC n CHEESE! Pregnant woman like. Pregnant woman like a lot.
All in all, it was a great wedding with great friends!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Emrie's first run in with the law!
Brian and I spent the weekend in Fort
Worth. Some good friends of ours were getting married on Saturday so we decided
to make a weekend out of it. My parents kept Emrie for us. Aiden was with his
We called to check in with my parents Friday night. The conversation went something like this...
"How's it going?"
"The Washington County Sheriff's Deputies just left"
"Well, you know how Emrie likes to play on the phone? She must have dialed 911."
"Yep. She was just talking away and handed me the phone so I hung it up and put it back in the holder. 30 seconds later it rang back. It was the police department saying they had received a 911 call. Your dad talked to them and said that the granddaughter must have dialed it by accident. We thought that was it til the doorbell rang. Two Sheriff's Deputies were at the door and wanted to 'talk' to the granddaughter."
"Apparently, they have to come out anytime 911 is called and if it was a child who made the call they want to talk to them about 911. They took one look at Emrie, who was peeking out from behind your dad's leg, and said never mind."
I'm relaying this whole conversation to Brian who says
"First run in with the law at 20 months old. I'm sure it won't be her last."
" WHAT?"
We called to check in with my parents Friday night. The conversation went something like this...
"How's it going?"
"The Washington County Sheriff's Deputies just left"
"Well, you know how Emrie likes to play on the phone? She must have dialed 911."
"Yep. She was just talking away and handed me the phone so I hung it up and put it back in the holder. 30 seconds later it rang back. It was the police department saying they had received a 911 call. Your dad talked to them and said that the granddaughter must have dialed it by accident. We thought that was it til the doorbell rang. Two Sheriff's Deputies were at the door and wanted to 'talk' to the granddaughter."
"Apparently, they have to come out anytime 911 is called and if it was a child who made the call they want to talk to them about 911. They took one look at Emrie, who was peeking out from behind your dad's leg, and said never mind."
I'm relaying this whole conversation to Brian who says
"First run in with the law at 20 months old. I'm sure it won't be her last."
" WHAT?"
Monday, February 25, 2013
Look at my Baby Bug

One of Emrie's nicknames (she has several) is Baby Bug. I have no idea where that one came from or why it stuck but it seems to be the name of choice these days. She has gotten so big I'm not going to be able to use the term baby much longer. This morning when Brian told her it was time to go to Big School, she grabbed her "pack-pack" and took off out the door. I was like "Baby Bug! Where is Mommy's bye-bye kiss?" She turned back, looked at me, blew a me a kiss, turned and took off. That little turkey!
Maybe the worst is over...MAYBE
For the
past three months I have had the most awful morning sickness. Honestly, why
it's called morning sickness is beyond me - I have had it all day, every day.
That is until this weekend, knock on wood. I have not really thrown up since
FRIDAY!!! Oh, Happy Day indeed.
Yesterday, I was feeling so good that I took Emrie to the park. We spent a couple of hours in the sunshine "winging." For those of you who do not speak Toddler that means swinging. Then, when we got home she and I baked a fudge brownie cake (I baked and she "elped"). And then, yes there's more, we made homemade enchiladas. I ate it all with zero vomit!
Yesterday, I was feeling so good that I took Emrie to the park. We spent a couple of hours in the sunshine "winging." For those of you who do not speak Toddler that means swinging. Then, when we got home she and I baked a fudge brownie cake (I baked and she "elped"). And then, yes there's more, we made homemade enchiladas. I ate it all with zero vomit!
After dinner we settled into the couch for another disturbing episode of The Walking Dead. That show just freaks me out but I HAVE TO WATCH IT. It's almost like I'm a zombie. MUST WATCH SHOW. MUST WATCH SHOW.
So far today, I've had a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and a burger with fries for lunch. And to this point, not even a solid burp to speak of : ) Oh happy day!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
She made potty! And I have pictures!
On Sunday, Emrie used the potty...TWICE! Yes. It was a big day at our house. First of all she proclaimed "Potty! Potty!" So I placed her on her baby potty which was actually mine when I potty trained 39 plus years ago. She pitched a fit. She wanted to be on the big girl potty. So we made the switch and there she sat...for 20 minutes. I tried to stay vigilant by her side but she would give me a stern "out." Go figure. So I checked in every minute.

Emrie, are you through?
Emrie, did you go potty?
Are you through?
After about 10 minutes of this, she asked for a book. A BOOK?! So I grabbed one of her baby books, a baby magazine and a John Grisham book. To my surprise, she opted for Grisham although there were no pictures. Okay - she didn't actually read it but she did make a big show of opening and closing it.
Finally, just after the 20 minute mark she shouted "THROUGH!" I checked and sure enough she had made poo poo in the potty! We clapped and made a big deal over her accomplishment. She was very excited and repeated the same 20 minute process again that evening. This time she and I sang a little song from church called "Oh, Happy Day." I'm not sure the songwriter intended it to be a potty training song but Emrie sang along...OH HAPPY DAY! And, it was.

Emrie, are you through?
Emrie, did you go potty?
Are you through?
After about 10 minutes of this, she asked for a book. A BOOK?! So I grabbed one of her baby books, a baby magazine and a John Grisham book. To my surprise, she opted for Grisham although there were no pictures. Okay - she didn't actually read it but she did make a big show of opening and closing it.
Finally, just after the 20 minute mark she shouted "THROUGH!" I checked and sure enough she had made poo poo in the potty! We clapped and made a big deal over her accomplishment. She was very excited and repeated the same 20 minute process again that evening. This time she and I sang a little song from church called "Oh, Happy Day." I'm not sure the songwriter intended it to be a potty training song but Emrie sang along...OH HAPPY DAY! And, it was.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Here's the case you haven't heard
It's true! I'm having a baby! What are the odds? Well, according to my doctor, they were zero to none but I guess God had other plans. I think back to how hard we worked and tried and prayed for sweet Emrie - it was three years of insanity. Shots. Tests. Shots. Pills. Shots. Acupuncture. Shots. Tests. Then finally, it happened!
This time the process was much simpler. A couple days before Christmas I was wrapping presents and exclaiming that I was not doing all of the crazy shopping and wrapping the next year. That's when Brian made his diagnosis. "You're Pregnant" he said. What? Why would he even say that? His reasoning..."You're being really mean. You're pregnant." So now apparently, I'm a mean pregnant woman. Anyway, I disregarded his statement until New Years Eve. I had been dragging and just not feeling like myself for about a week so while we were in Colorado he convinced me to take a test before I tried skiing. I took one first thing in the morning and it said "error." Well, that was enough for me but Brian insisted I take another I did...this one was POSITIVE!
I'm 12 weeks this week and feeling every bit of it. I remember being sick with Emrie but I don't remember it being this bad. This is bad. I feel like I'm going to throw up ALL THE TIME. They say it's supposed to get better after the 1st trimester. I'm sure hoping that's true. I'm pretty sure I threw up (although not as much) all the way through the nine months with Emrie.
My next appointment is March 1st. I promise I'll have some pictures for you.
This time the process was much simpler. A couple days before Christmas I was wrapping presents and exclaiming that I was not doing all of the crazy shopping and wrapping the next year. That's when Brian made his diagnosis. "You're Pregnant" he said. What? Why would he even say that? His reasoning..."You're being really mean. You're pregnant." So now apparently, I'm a mean pregnant woman. Anyway, I disregarded his statement until New Years Eve. I had been dragging and just not feeling like myself for about a week so while we were in Colorado he convinced me to take a test before I tried skiing. I took one first thing in the morning and it said "error." Well, that was enough for me but Brian insisted I take another I did...this one was POSITIVE!
I'm 12 weeks this week and feeling every bit of it. I remember being sick with Emrie but I don't remember it being this bad. This is bad. I feel like I'm going to throw up ALL THE TIME. They say it's supposed to get better after the 1st trimester. I'm sure hoping that's true. I'm pretty sure I threw up (although not as much) all the way through the nine months with Emrie.
My next appointment is March 1st. I promise I'll have some pictures for you.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Emrie loves to "wing"
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Exhibit A |
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Exhibit B |
I love the park for completely different reasons. An hour at the park will wear her little butt out. The other night she didn't even make it to her bed. It was awesome! (exhibit B)
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Exhibit C |
The morning after a day at the park is a completely different story. Emrie is not a morning person to begin with so throw in a party at the park the night before and she's really cranky. (exhibit C)
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Cattle Baron's Ball
Cattle Baron's Ball attire |
UThe crazy part of the story is mom and dad to Emrie and Aiden with them to a surprise party for Hayden Becka in Snook. They beat us home by 10 minutes. They said Aiden and Emrie DANCED all night. They took pictures but I haven't got copies yet or I'd share. I was impressed Aiden and Emrie made it the whole night and didn't pass out til they got in the car. My two little party animals!
Back to our regular schedule
Things were back to normal once we got home from vacation. Brian and I went back to work. Aiden went back to school. And, Mufasa kept Emrie on Friday. Emrie loves eggs and toast for breakfast - definitely her favorite. This was such a sweet picture of the two of them enjoying breakfast together that I had to share.
Belated Christmas Present
Finally, it's letting me download pictures! So let's see what had I promised that I never got to download? I know! I know! I promised some Colorado pictures.
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first time on a plane |
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first snow at Uncle Billy Joe's House |
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passed out on the plane |
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new years fireworks - downtown Denver |
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The view on the way to Winter Park |
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Aiden ice skating in Estes Park |
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Freezing but still enjoying the slide |
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Aiden and the elk |
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Hey! She was ready to go outside. She had her boots on. |
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Enjoying the fish |
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Headed home from Colorado |
Thursday, January 10, 2013
I'm going to have to find a new blog spot
I've been trying to do some new posts with great pictures from our vacation and "blogger" will not let me add them!'s really making me mad. The pictures are the best. Hang in there with me - I'm going to figure this out or switch to another blog spot.
While I'm here, let me wrap up 2012 so at least I can start my new blog talking about 2013! Before I forget Christmas Eve was REALLY BIG night for Emrie. She made pee pee in the potty for the very first time! Sorry no pictures. And here's the kicker...she did it TWICE! Way to go Emrie. Unfortunately, the phenomena didn't last long. The next day when she said she had to pee pee, I dutifully placed her on her mini-potty. She sat there for a minute, stood up, squated next to the potty and pee peed on the floor! CRAZY! What can I say? We're working on it.
December 30 we began our much anticipated year end vacation. We dropped the dogs at the kennel and headed to Colorado. Aiden had a blast. He snow tubed, snow mobiled, ice skated and took a sleigh ride. Emrie was miserable...therefore, by default, I was miserable. Despite what I had been told, she was too young to do anything fun so she pitched a fit every time she couldn't go with Aiden. At one point she got so upset she threw herself down in the snow. I was going to snap a picture and tell everyone she was making snow angels but the disgusted look on her face would have told a different story. My advice - never take an 18 month old to Colorado.
I wish I could promise vacation pictures BUT I still cant get this thing to work!!!!
While I'm here, let me wrap up 2012 so at least I can start my new blog talking about 2013! Before I forget Christmas Eve was REALLY BIG night for Emrie. She made pee pee in the potty for the very first time! Sorry no pictures. And here's the kicker...she did it TWICE! Way to go Emrie. Unfortunately, the phenomena didn't last long. The next day when she said she had to pee pee, I dutifully placed her on her mini-potty. She sat there for a minute, stood up, squated next to the potty and pee peed on the floor! CRAZY! What can I say? We're working on it.
December 30 we began our much anticipated year end vacation. We dropped the dogs at the kennel and headed to Colorado. Aiden had a blast. He snow tubed, snow mobiled, ice skated and took a sleigh ride. Emrie was miserable...therefore, by default, I was miserable. Despite what I had been told, she was too young to do anything fun so she pitched a fit every time she couldn't go with Aiden. At one point she got so upset she threw herself down in the snow. I was going to snap a picture and tell everyone she was making snow angels but the disgusted look on her face would have told a different story. My advice - never take an 18 month old to Colorado.
I wish I could promise vacation pictures BUT I still cant get this thing to work!!!!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Yes, I realize the whole idea behind a blog is to actually blog. One of my new year's resolutions is to be better about keeping up with this thing.
So, where did I leave off? Christmas? Has it been that long? Apparently it has.
We spent the weekend before Christmas with Brian's parents and then on Christmas Eve we went to Brenham. We feasted on BBQ pork ribs and steak, baked potatoes, beans and cranberry sauce. Yes, cranberry sauce. It was the only item somewhat traditional about out meal which was DELICIOUS!
Emrie had entirely too much fun and too much to eat because she passed out at the table with her fork in her hand. She ended up having to take a little nap before we opened presents. Aiden was in prime form and on excellent behavior since Santa is always watching...right up until we opened presents.
On my side of the family, we draw names. Let's face it. If we really need something, we've already bought it so we have simplified the gift giving. Only the kiddos get a present from everyone. As luck would have it, Brian got my name. And, since he and I had decided not to exchange presents this year because of our new year's trip to Colorado, I made out like a bandit. He gave me a pair of diamond hoop earrings. They're beautiful. Nice job, hubby! I think Emrie's favorite present was the baby doll and stroller. At home, she always put her dolls in her stroller and pushed them around the house. This present was more her size. The only problem is that for some reason she tries to climb inside the itty bitty stroller herself. Go figure. Aiden's favorite was a bear that you shoot balls into its mouth and it keeps count for you. It's pretty cool except that he and his dad have decided its more fun shoot the balls at ME! Thanks Uncle Brandon.
Christmas day our little family of four celebrated bright and early by pulling out lots of candy from our stockings. Santa had also left Aiden and Emrie each one present...
Aiden got a set of electronic drums. Lucky for us, Uncle Brandon had also given him a new set of headphones the night before - perfect to plug into the drums.
Emrie got what she calls her house. It's a mini-play climber with slide. She loves it! Unfortunately, it's in the middle of what used to be my dining room area.
All in all, Christmas 2012 was absolutely WONDERFUL.
Pictures to follow. Hang tight!
So, where did I leave off? Christmas? Has it been that long? Apparently it has.
We spent the weekend before Christmas with Brian's parents and then on Christmas Eve we went to Brenham. We feasted on BBQ pork ribs and steak, baked potatoes, beans and cranberry sauce. Yes, cranberry sauce. It was the only item somewhat traditional about out meal which was DELICIOUS!
Emrie had entirely too much fun and too much to eat because she passed out at the table with her fork in her hand. She ended up having to take a little nap before we opened presents. Aiden was in prime form and on excellent behavior since Santa is always watching...right up until we opened presents.
On my side of the family, we draw names. Let's face it. If we really need something, we've already bought it so we have simplified the gift giving. Only the kiddos get a present from everyone. As luck would have it, Brian got my name. And, since he and I had decided not to exchange presents this year because of our new year's trip to Colorado, I made out like a bandit. He gave me a pair of diamond hoop earrings. They're beautiful. Nice job, hubby! I think Emrie's favorite present was the baby doll and stroller. At home, she always put her dolls in her stroller and pushed them around the house. This present was more her size. The only problem is that for some reason she tries to climb inside the itty bitty stroller herself. Go figure. Aiden's favorite was a bear that you shoot balls into its mouth and it keeps count for you. It's pretty cool except that he and his dad have decided its more fun shoot the balls at ME! Thanks Uncle Brandon.
Christmas day our little family of four celebrated bright and early by pulling out lots of candy from our stockings. Santa had also left Aiden and Emrie each one present...
Aiden got a set of electronic drums. Lucky for us, Uncle Brandon had also given him a new set of headphones the night before - perfect to plug into the drums.
Emrie got what she calls her house. It's a mini-play climber with slide. She loves it! Unfortunately, it's in the middle of what used to be my dining room area.
All in all, Christmas 2012 was absolutely WONDERFUL.
Pictures to follow. Hang tight!
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