Behind bars...for the first time |
What can I say? Life get's in the way : )
So, what's been going on since I last blogged? A bunch.
Emrie and Aiden on the hay tractor |
Poor Emrie has been sick. First, she started with a crazy rash all over her body. I took her to the doctor and he said it was probably tied to some kind of virus she had...except that she hadn't really had a virus that I was aware of. If she was sick - I totally missed. Anyway, a week and a half later, we're back at the doctor because the rash still hasn't gotten any better. If anything, it's gotten worse. This time we left with a prescription for a steroid cream and detailed instructions on how to grease her up twice a day. She was so lubed up she stuck to her pj's and the parts that weren't covered stuck to her sheets. Sticky or not, it worked and her rash got better.
Emrie and grandpa...just not feeling it |
Next, she got that little stomach bug that was going around. We actually went to a birthday party at the corn maze in Snook and she pooped 3 times while we were there. And when I say pooped, I mean certifiable blow outs! As you can see from the pictures, she was not feeling it. Add a little congestion and cough to the stomach bug and by the end of the day I'm walking around with baby vomit in my hair and down my back. Ahhh...a mother's job is never done.
Ready to go back to Big School |
And, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Emrie starts running a pretty high fever. I took her back to the doctor and this time she has an ear infection! BLESS HER HEART! She was still recovering from the virus so the doctor gave her some meds that would not upset her stomach; however, one of the nice side effects from the meds she did prescribe is that Emrie's poop is a nice dark maroon color. I decided to spare you the picture. Anyway...for all you Aggies who claim to bleed maroon, I think Emrie has got you beat!
Aiden had a runny nose but other than that has been pretty healthy. Brian was also sick for a while. I'm not sure if it was just a bad cold or the flu but it put him out of commission for several days. He's finally feeling better - thank God! It's tough being a single parent with two sick kids - a 16 month old and a 37 year old!
Other than that life has been good. Busy but good! I'm totally excited about Thanksgiving. My family can definitely use a nice long weekend. I'm still debating the whole black Friday shopping. It used to be my thing. I loved the thrill of camping out and barging through the doors of my favorite stores in the wee hours of the morning; however, now that the stores are open on Thanksgiving eve, some of the thrill is gone.
I'll have more on Thanksgiving and the day after for you tomorrow! In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the pictures.