Last night was a blur! As soon as the 5 o'clock whistle sounded I was out the door and on my way to pick Emrie up from Brazos Valley Kidz Academy or as we call in BIG SCHOOL in downtown Bryan. By the time I grabbed her and got her loaded into the car it was 5:30pm and ZOOM we were off. This time we, me and mini-me (that's what Roger WWW Garrett calls Emrie), were headed all the way across town to the thriving metropolis of College Station to pick up her big brother, Aiden. We made it in about 20 minutes. Not too bad considering traffic was terrible! Once Aiden was strapped in we headed towards our church, Parkway Baptist, for's on Southwest Parkway in case you were wondering. Oh and I almost forgot, we made one quick detour through a nearby apartment complex to pick up Nicholas - one of Aiden's friends who wanted to check out AWANA. By 6:10 I had them both signed in at church and Emrie and I were back out the door. We made a pit stop at KFC for some Original Recipe nuggets. They're Emrie's favorite and since our next stop was the grocery store I figured it would be best to make sure both of us had a full tummy before going in. My plan worked like a charm. Emrie was satisfied to ride in the shopping cart and I managed to not stuff the cart with a bunch of goodies that weren't on the list.
FYI...I'm a list making fool. I used to make a list of places to go and things to get and an estimated time to get each of them done. It sounds insane, I know, but boy was I efficient. That was obviously pre-mini-me. But I digress...
After bath time |
Breakfast |
Emrie and I finished up the grocery shopping just in time to head back up to church to pick up Aiden and Nicholas. They had a great time by the way and I think Nicholas is going to be a regular at AWANA. After I got them both dropped off at their respective homes, Emrie and I headed back towards Bryan to Chateau Alexander. Emrie fell asleep on the way home which was a blessing because it allowed me to unload all the groceries uninterrupted. I slipped her into her bed, unloaded the groceries, fed the doggies, washed dishes, took out the garbage (Thursday is trash day), packed my lunch for today and finally at around 10pm got to sit down. SHEESH! I was exhausted but I wanted to page through my new White House Black Market catalog - MISTAKE. That kept me up another 30 minutes. So, by the time I showered and got dressed for bed it was about 11pm. I must have fallen asleep immediately because the next thing I remember was Emrie coughing...and coughing...and coughing...and coughing. It was 2am. So, once again, she ended up in bed with me. The last time I looked at the clock it was 4:30am. At 5:30am, I felt something grab my nose and give it rough twist. That was followed by a big wet kiss in the vicinity of my mouth...I'm pretty sure the wet part was snot. That's right Emrie was up at 5:30am! I know I must have slept some but it sure doesn't feel like it.
I was stumbling around the house like the walking dead this morning but Emrie was little Miss Sunshine. As you can tell from the pictures, she was in a great mood. Well rested, no doubt. She enjoyed her morning bath and she even shared her breakfast with Judy.
Where was Brian during all this...he was out of town for work. He should be home tonight. Let me rephrase that...HE BETTER BE HOME TONIGHT!