She was in the best mood this morning. She's been trying to walk...well, kind of. She hates actually sitting in her walker but she enjoys holding on to it and scooting along next to it. Scares me to death. I just know that thing is going to roll away and she's going to fall face first! She is brave. Mommy is not!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Mootzie and her daddy!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
All Dressed and Ready for Spring
Emrie looked so cute this morning on her way to "big school." That's what we call her daycare. You can't tell in the picture because she has her serious face on but she was really excited about her pink onesie and flowered pants.
Brian and I stopped at the outlet mall on the way back from Wimberley on Sunday and bought several little outfits for Mootzie. She's all ready for spring! Would you believe I didn't buy a thing for myself?! Funny how a baby changes your priorities...
Anyhoo, I loved the way she looked this morning so I thought I share a picture. Don't you just want to squeeze her cheeks?!
She'll be 8 months old on March 1. My sweet little baby is getting so BIG. She's not such a little baby anymore.
Our Min-Vacation on the Blanco
Poor Little Mootzie
Last Thursday afternoon Emrie's daycare called to tell me that she had broken out in a rash. Then Alecia, the owner, sent me this picture. YIKES! They put her down for a nap and this is how she looked when she woke up! My poor little Mootzie. I picked her up and took her to the walk-in clinic because her regular doctor didn't have any appointments. I was really worried that it could be hand, foot and mouth because there has been an outbreak of babies I know with that. After a quick look, the doctor on call let me know that it definitely WAS NOT hand foot and mouth. What a relief. So, what was it? He had no clue. He asked if she had had any fever recently - which she did have low grade fever on Sunday and Monday so he decided it was the result of some kind of virus. He said take her home and she'd look better in a couple of days. I should mention that she seemed to feel absolutely fine. She just looked speckled. By the next morning she was back to normal - no bumps, no redness and going 90 to nothin'.
Monday, February 13, 2012
First BIG Boo Boo
Poor little Mootz got her first big boo boo this weekend. She was playing in the living room while I was washing dishes. She's recently started pulling up on EVERYTHING...including a TV tray I had set up by the couch. I swear I took my eyes off of her for a second and BAM she and the TV tray were on the floor. She got a little bump and scratch on her forehead and bloodied her nose. She cried for about a minute and then she was back to playing and pulling up on EVERYTHING again. Well, not the TV tray - I put that up.
Even with her busted up nose and scratches she is still the most beautiful and happy baby ever. Thank you God.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Brian got called into work yesterday afternoon so I had no choice but to make a Super Bowl bet with my 9 year old step son Aiden. He came up with the craziest bet. Let me preface this by saying that I really didn't care who won the game but it always makes it more interesting if there's a little incentive to cheer for one team or the other. Anyhoo, Aiden and I made a bet. He chose the Giants for no other reason than they're called the Giants. To a 9 year old that sounds way cooler than the Patriots.
The Bet: The next weekend Aiden stays with us the loser (that's me) can only say the word "meow" all day Saturday. looks like Saturday, February 18th that will be my one and only word...MEOW! Where does he come up with this stuff? And why did I agree to this?
Emrie had no idea what was coming her way as she sat on the floor of the doctor's office reading her book. Thats right...the dreaded shots! She was in such a good mood right up until the nurse poked her with the first needle. Poor baby. But to my surprise she only cried for about a minute. And then she was in a great mood the rest of the afternoon and night despite the fact that she ran fever all night long.
You may notice she has her tongue out in the picture. That's her new thing. She likes to stick her little tongue out and blow raspberries when she gets excited.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
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