I continue to be amazed by Dr. Allon and his group at the Advanced Fertility Center of Texas. He came by KORA well after 5pm to record a commercial. This was after spending the day in his Houston and College Station offices with his patients. I was exhausted and I never left College Station yesterday. Regardless, he was there to tell his story and I was there to assist with recording it.
What I truly love about Dr. Allon is his personal connection to each couple he works with. He really takes the time to get to know you - and not just your infertility issues. When we were seeking his treatment we talked about everything. He's such a genuine person. More than anything, he wants to make it happen for you. It's like he goes on that roller coaster ride with you.
I have to admit I was totally shocked when he asked about Brian. I don't just mean he asked about my husband, he actually asked "How's Brian doing?" In fact, when we were talking about how big the baby could possibly be he mentioned how tall Brian and I both were. I thought it was totally cool that he remembered that.
Now I know what you're thinking...Brandie, you have to say this stuff about him. NOT TRUE! While it is true Dr. Allon is the infertility specialist who made our baby miracle come true, I have no type of agreement or obligation what so ever to talk about him in any way shape or form. DR. ALLON DID FOR US WHAT OTHERS HAD NOT BEEN ABLE TO DO. And I think that's a story worth telling. Of course, Brian and I both know that Dr. Allon didn't do it alone. I praise God every day for guiding us to Dr. Allon and in the end His blessings in His time.
God is so good.
For the record I have no idea why I chose to stand with my hand on my hip like that in the picture. It's not like there is any way to make me look skinny at this time : )